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Comprehensive Neuropsychological Evaluations

A comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation helps determine a child’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses, usually in the context of a brain disorder, a medical condition that affects the brain, or a neurodevelopmental disorder.


It is often used to understand why a child may have certain behavioral or thinking problems, to clarify or confirm a diagnosis, to establish a child’s cognitive functioning before and after a medical treatment or a surgery, or to track changes in cognitive functioning through time.


Findings assist parents, teachers, medical teams, and teachers to provide better care, as well as for the child to obtain appropriate accommodations and remediation in school as needed. This type of evaluation typically involves the assessment of:





Intelligence (IQ)


Visual Perception



Processing Speed

Control over hand movements

Problem Solving


Academic Skills

Social Skills

Emotional Functioning

Adaptive Functioning

The American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology suggests that a neuropsychological evaluation may help if your child has:


  • A neurological disorder such as spina bifida, hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, epilepsy (seizures), neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis, or a brain tumor.

  • A brain injury from a trauma to the head, stroke, lack of oxygen, or an infection.

  • Other medical problems such as prematurity, diabetes, chronic heart or breathing problems, certain genetic disorders, or treatment for childhood cancer.

  • Been exposed to lead, street drugs, or inhalants (carbon monoxide).

  • Been exposed to alcohol, smoking, or certain drugs prior to birth.

  • A developmental or school problem such as a learning disability, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or autism spectrum disorder/pervasive developmental disorder.

  • Had an evaluation by a psychologist or the school, but the treatment following that evaluation has not helped.

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